The sale of 3244 S 40th St in Phoenix, AZ was recently recorded. The property is a 1.28 acre contractor’s yard with 8,649 SF of buildings. The sales price was $1,300,000 and the Close of Escrow was August 11, 2021. Max Schumacher and Patrick Sheehan of Rein & Grossoehme represented the seller and Jeff Conrad […]
The sale of 3331 E Corona Ave in Phoenix, AZ was recently recorded. 3331 E Corona Ave is a 7,880 SF freestanding industrial building. The property sold to a construction company expanding from California. The sales price was $977,000 which equates to $123.98 PSF and the Close of Escrow was August 9, 2021. Max Schumacher […]
The sale of 3440-3502 E Broadway Rd in Phoenix, AZ was recently recorded. The property consists of two industrial buildings totaling 27,816 SF. The property sold to a local real estate investment firm. The sales price was $3,337,920 which equates to $120 PSF and the Close of Escrow was August 16, 2021. Max Schumacher and […]
The sale of 3637 E. Anne Street in Phoenix, AZ was recently recorded. The property features 15,764 SF of buildings on 2.07 acres. The property sold to a local Phoenix based HVAC contractor. The sales price was $2,150,000 and the Close of Escrow was July 30, 2021. Max Schumacher and Patrick Sheehan of Rein & […]
The sale of 3720 W Whitton Ave in Phoenix, AZ was recently recorded. The property featured 6,200 SF of buildings on 1.63 acres and the property was fully paved. The property sold to a local construction company. The sales price was $1,400,000 and the Close of Escrow was August 16, 2021. Max Schumacher and Patrick […]
The sale of 9321 N 94th St., Scottsdale AZ, a 10,640 square foot industrial building built in @1983 was recently recorded. The property sold to Jason and Tonja Howard. The seller was MASH LLC. The sales price was $2,000,000 which equates to $187.50 per square foot. The building has two grade level loading doors and […]
The sale of 4020-4028 W Whitton Ave in Phoenix, AZ, a two building multi-tenant industrial property totaling 18,432 square feet was recently recorded. The property sold to a private investor from California. The sales price was $1,250,000 which equates to $67 per square foot. The buildings were 100% occupied at closing. Max Schumacher of Rein […]
The sale of an 8,300 square foot aircraft hangar building built in 1987 was recently recorded. The location of the property is at Falcon Field at 5015 E. Roadrunner Drive in Mesa, Arizona. The property sold to Jarman Aircraft Service Inc. The seller was HVS LLC. The sales price was $600,000, which equates to $72 […]
The sale of 3428 E Elwood St, a 36,381 square foot industrial land parcel was recently recorded. The location of the property is 3428 E Elwood St in Phoenix, AZ. The sales price was $550,000 which equates to $15 per square foot. Max Schumacher and Patrick Sheehan of Rein & Grossoehme represented the buyer. Rein […]
The sale of 215 S 23rd St, a 19,688 square foot industrial land building was recently recorded. The location of the property is 215 S 23rd St in Phoenix, AZ. The sales price was $1,400,000 which equates to $71 per square foot. Max Schumacher and Patrick Sheehan of Rein & Grossoehme represented the seller. Rein […]